The Amiga Games Database

Welcome to the Amiga Games Database. It's purpose is to provide Amiga games players with an informed but subjective opinion on a wide range of games. A vast amount of Amiga titles have been written, some of them more than a decade ago. We've all come across some awful software in our time, but for many of us, there's a surprising quantity of undiscovered classic Amiga games out there. The AGDB is here to help you identify the games that you want to play.

You've got two routes to the database:

If you'd like to contribute a game review yourself, and I need all the help I can get, go to the Submissions page.

Celebrity reviews

The Amiga Games Database features a number of reviews by celebrity characters who in some way contributed to the Amiga legend. If you're interested in what they reviewed, look no further:

David Braben, author of Virus and Frontier, reviewed Populous.
Paul Burkey, author of Foundation, reviewed Top Banana.  (!)
Andy Clitheroe, author of AB3D, and AB3D II (TKG) reviewed Exile.
Andy Davidson, author of Worms, reviewed Hired Guns.
Tony Crowther, author of Captive reviewed Dungeon Master


The Amiga Games Database was conceived by Angus Manwaring and Dennis Smith, with contributions from the Amiga community, to whom it is also dedicated; past, present and future.

Thanks are also due to:

Malcolm Pryor		for the Logo Design
David Braben		for use of the Eagle Fighter in the logo
Sean Caszatt		for permission to adapt the Amiga Entertainment reviews
Bert Jahn		for WHDLoad
The Patchers		for the patches

Copyright etc.

The AGDB is from the Amiga community - to the Amiga community, if you want to download, save, or print any of the reviews for your own reference, that's what it's for. However, if you wish to use AGDB reviews on your web site, or publish them in any manner, you must first ask permission, and you'll be expected to keep the Database in it's original form, unedited and unabridged.

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